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find the words

i'm not sure i have the words anymore, and that fear has kept me from putting thoughts down in this space for the past few weeks. i started another post then - a few weeks ago - but my thoughts have not formed enough to put that out into the world. too much of it still remains grey matter waiting stubbornly inside of my head, so i must wait for another day to make sense of it. honestly, i don't know what this space is for anymore, but you're welcome to come with me while i sputter around trying to work it out.  this lovely monday settles in around me on the porch. it remains mostly still out here save for the call of the hawk, and the errant barking of a few neighborhood dogs.  we have made our way to september somehow, and for the first time in many years, september actually feels mostly like fall. i purchased trader joe's spiced apple cider yesterday, and am drinking it hot without breaking out into a sweat. miraculous, honestly. all of the fall things have started fo

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