we had an interesting weekend. we went up to the mountains for peter's company's retreat. it was, well...hmm.
i got a lot of reading done. i slept A LOT. and i went for a long run yesterday.
i got a little peeved due to some of the activities we were not "actually required," but "pretty much required" to do. especially the jumbled time of "teaching."
i think peter was a bit annoyed with me due to my annoyance with some of the things we did. [and he had a right to that.] i just don't do very well with certain types of people. namely, people that i have a problem with at the beginning of something like that. if i make my mind up about someone, it's kind of hard to change it. [one of my many weaknesses.]
it's not that i didn't enjoy it at all. bright spots certainly emerged. however, this morning greeted me with a deep desire to just come home. we thankfully got to do just that after sitting through a small amount of aforementioned "teaching," and a somewhat questionable lunch.
despite everything i'm uncharacteristically positive at this juncture. maybe it's because the two books i read this weekend, and the one i'm in the middle of, have given me much to think about. maybe it's because my dad is coming next weekend. maybe it's because youth group tonight was a lot of fun, and we got a good dinner afterwards with some other leaders. maybe it's because we remembered to set the trash out by the curb tonight. or that i've successfully unpacked. or that peter has the day mostly off tomorrow.
or maybe it's all of the above coupled with something else entirely.
i like relaxed nights like this.

me typing away on my computer, and him typing away on his. there's something comforting about being in the same room even if we're working on separate things.
something about knowing that i have his support, and he has mine. NO MATTER WHAT.
we're in this together.
this thing called life.
cozier than a
warm blanket,
isn't it?
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