sine wave + mini rant

my life feels like a sine wave right now. [or cosine, really.] up and down, over, under, with a quick plummet and a steep uphill battle. sometimes life sucks. and what is hard for me may not be hard at all for someone else, and no matter what most people have it a whole lot harder. i know.

sine wave

because when it all comes down to it i have a pretty good life. but that doesn't mean it is without struggle, or frustration. that doesn't make it all okay when it's not.

no matter who you are, or where you are in life or the world, you'll still encounter people who are rude and obnoxious. you'll still encounter people who sorely lack class and taste. you'll still encounter people whose heads you'd love to see roll -- especially if you were the one wielding the sword.

no matter who you are, or where you are in life or the world, you'll still encounter people who have never been in your shoes, never seen the world from your perspective, and don't care to try. you'll run across people who were never taught that being rude is a bad thing, and that being called obnoxious is not a compliment.

for me the hardest part in all of that is to just let it go. the hardest part is to recognize that said people have a lot of hard lessons to learn in life, and if i stoop to their level i'm not any better. i become the exact thing that i hate. and at the end of the day i'm the only one staring back at me in the mirror.

that doesn't mean that i have to hold everything back. that doesn't mean that i have to take it all in silence. but it does mean that i'm responsible for my own actions. and at times like this i can take comfort in the fact that others are also responsible for theirs.

the hard things are there
to teach us lessons.
but we choose
whether or not 
we really learn from them.


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