mud puddles & cheap wine

keane has always loved to splash in the rain. he has always loved water, and adele has followed in his footsteps. last week that following took a literal turn when we went out to run around in the remnants of the storm that passed through here.

i love watching their wonder.

even in tiny puddles they splashed and kicked their feet. first keane, then adele. adele loves splashing in the tub, and got excited when i allowed her to splash as big as she wanted in the mud puddles. we ran, we splashed. we saw a duck in the pool, and went searching for more. we didn't find any, but we did see a blue heron in the creek.

we watched out for mean snakes {copperheads}. we trekked across bridges and up hills until it was time to come see daddy at home.

watching them enjoy the world is a great reminder to just enjoy the world. yes there's a whole load of crap that gets thrown at us. yes, the world is broken and hurting. but we can't miss the goodness that has been here since the beginning of time.

or maybe i should say we shouldn't miss it. we can miss it. i have whole days and weeks where i miss it. i go through life focused on the things i need to do without really paying attention to anything outside that scope.

after running around in mud puddles with the kids i took advantage of a different part of this wonderful world - i capped off the night with a glass of cheap wine.

sometimes you just need a glass of wine. sometimes it's because you've just had a freakin' day, and you need a glass of wine. but other times it's the encouragement to savor life just how it is.

sometimes you need to sip slowly and reflect on the good things.

some days that list feels smaller than others. some days the top of the "good things" list may be as simple as the glass of wine in your hand.

and that's okay.

because sometimes that's all you can think of even though it may not be all you have. but some days. some days there are mud puddles and cheap wine.



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