blank canvas
I'm excited for this new blog space. I feel like I have a blank canvas and a brand new palette of colors. It's a good day. There is a slight chill in the air outside, and I'm holed up in my office in a cozy sweater, listening to Matt Wertz and drinking hot cider, one of my favorite wintry drinks.
I'm contemplating this week and trying to decide whether I should set lofty goals, or aim for simpler accomplishments. I know I want to finish Culture Making and delve deep into The Hunchback of Notre Dame. I've gone too long without reading good literature, and even though I've enjoyed my short retreat into other books, I really want to get back to the classics.
I'm especially thrilled about the hunchback given our trip to Paris a few short months ago. Actually seeing Notre Dame and sinking into that culture makes the premise and the setting of the book that much more enthralling.
I'm watching one of my favorite little boys for a few days this week as his parents prepare to move next weekend, and I'm hoping that his abundant energy will leave time for me to do some work and maybe get a quick workout in during naptime, which will hopefully overlap a "what not to wear" episode.
Although, given what time I need to be there in the morning I may forgo the workout, and take a nap with him in the afternoons...
I'm still pondering the return to school. I need to do some more research on a few schools, and a few programs and see what happens.
Anyway, I should probably remove myself from the comfort of my office, and the fabulous things surrounding me, and clean up a few things before we have to head off to youth tonight.
happy sunday
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