greater things

...greater things are yet to come and greater things are still to be done in this city...

We went to the Chris Tomlin concert last night, hence the above lyrics from one of his new-ish songs. It was a much needed time of uninterrupted worship, and a good reminder that God's work isn't done. Sometimes it's unbelievably hard to remember and to trust that he's in control and he actually knows what he's doing. So giving glory to him b/c greater things are still to come was huge. A huge reminder that it's not in my hands, not in my control.

Today though, the reminder seems to be slipping away much too quickly. My to do list just keeps getting longer due to our out-of-town trip this weekend. This weekend Peter and I are heading down to Charleston with some friends from church to run in the Cooper River Bridge 10K. It's hard to believe it's already here. I'm nervous even though I shouldn't be - it's just part of my competitive nature. I have a time in mind that I want to beat, and I know if I don't I'll be disappointed in myself. 

It's the same type of jitters I used to get before a big soccer game. It's important to me and I want to do well. Nerves are just part of the package.

I'm debating about what to start training for next. I'm thinking about a half marathon, but we'll see. I haven't decided anything for sure yet. 

In other news I have decided (partially due to our new house-buying goal) that I'm going on a spending fast for the month of April. Essentials only for 30 days.

I have a feeling I'm going to want to quit in the middle - partially b/c it's only my third day and I already wanted to buy something yesterday (don't worry I didn't). I think it almost makes it worse that I declared an official spending fast, ie: I told my husband, b/c now I'm seeing things I want EVERYWHERE.

Anyway, it will be a good for me - and our savings. 

I want to enjoy life more, and better. I want to appreciate what I have instead of focusing on what I don't. I want to sit outside and read and paint. I want to enjoy the sunlight streaming into my office. I want to be able to look at things and appreciate them for their beauty without asking "how much?" I want to sit on the beach with a good book. I want to go for a walk and watch spring unfold in front of my eyes. I want to watch my pathetic excuse for an herb garden actually grow. I want to drive with the windows down. I want to fall in love with the life that is in front of me day in and day out.

here's to
wanting better wants


  1. Haha...I'm glad I read this first!! I was just going to send you a 50% off coupon to Old Navy...but seeing as how nothing there is essential...I guess I won't!

    The zoo is essential, right?! :)



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