j'ai simplement écrire

I feel a little stuck truthfully. I was going to write earlier, was in the mood to write earlier, and yet then I felt like I should wait until later because my day wasn't even close to over. I thought I would want to reflect on all of it. 

The thing is, now I feel a bit drained, and I'm really starting to feel the 2 hours of sleep I missed this morning.

However, I usually feel like writing when I am brooding or sorrowful, and today I'm determined to convey the happier parts of my life.

This morning Peter and I went down to the year-round farmer's market in Charlotte. It was a great way to start the day. I swear, nothing in the world beats fresh produce. Even though we didn't spend that much time there the farmer's market lifted my spirits greatly. There's something about it that infuses goodness into my very soul. 

We got pears and plums, an avocado and a mango, sweet potatoes and an arugula plant, and Peter's favorite - a crusty loaf of bread, reminiscent of the bakeries in France . If I was actually going to be here next week we would have come away with a lot more, but it was still good to know what they have and don't have during the winter months. 

This afternoon was low-key and included going to see "Confessions of a Shopaholic" with two of my youth girls. I wish I could give it a higher recommendation, but they just tried to fit too much into the movie, and it was absolutely nothing like the book(s). It was a decent movie, but somewhat disappointing for me since I really enjoyed all of the books. I digress...

This evening was spent relaxing and shopping for my favorite niece's birthday, and for bridesmaid shoes for Jess & Kevin's upcoming nuptials. I think I was successful in both endeavors, but they both remain to be seen.

I'm tired now, but feel as though I still have much ahead of me - more laundry to do, and clothes to fold, put away and pack. 

I'm off to get buried in laundry...

here's hoping your weekend was and continues to be


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