
I'm feeling a little bit off today despite the weekend full of visitors and celebrations. I don't know what it is exactly. I had a very low-key day. I think my disenchantment may simply be stemming from the fact that I don't expect this week to live up to the expectations set by the weekend. 

Allow me to give a quick recap.

Friday night Dustin and his friend Foo arrived for the weekend. We hung out and watched Spider-man 3 Friday night and slept in Saturday morning. After a breakfast (timed like a brunch) of sausage, egg and cheese bagel sandwiches and talks about decorating Dustin's new house, we headed to uptown to take in the sights of Charlotte. We mostly just walked to nowhere in particular, and stopped a few times for random things like snacks and playing football in a courtyard. We also spent some time perusing the library and then headed to our favorite Irish pub for dinner. Saturday evening was spent discussing an array of topics over coffee, and Sunday morning we headed to church and then came home for a late pancake breakfast before they had to pack up to drive home. It was a great visit, and even had me considering, albeit briefly, moving downtown.

Sunday afternoon was spent napping and making jewelry before the big, victorious game. I was decked out in my Steelers paraphernalia including my terrible towel earrings and scarf. It was a fantastic game - and I only say that because my boys pulled it out and won. For the sake of my blood pressure however, I wish it hadn't been quite as exciting.

Needless to say, my day of lounging around, and reading up on a few things didn't quite compare with my fabulous weekend, but I'm trying to relish it for the solitude it brought me, and ignore the part of me that wishes it was much more. 

Tonight I am looking forward to climbing into sweats, hanging out with Peter, and planning out the rest of my week.

Pictures of my jewelry creations:

wishing you a spectacular week


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