questions, questions

this week has been full of questions. questioning my abilities, what i should do, what i want to do, how to best do whatever it is i decide i want to do, where life is leading me, and where i want to take it, how well i know myself, what lies i tell myself, how to best live my life and all it encompasses.

you know, just a few minor things...

i'm moving forward in small ways, but i'll take what i can get.
i've been trying to write more. trying to do a bit of research. trying to trust that something big doesn't happen overnight.

trying to trust that God wants me at the center of his will more than i want to be there. and that means that if i'm trying to be at the center of his will then i will be. it's a matter of trust. a matter of real relationship.

there is so much in the world. so many ways i could go that sometimes it's paralyzing. what i don't want is for life to happen to me. i want to make decisions, and take action, and not let life pass me right by.

at the same time though i am trying to live in the moment and be with what is - live in the present instead of constantly looking into the past or the future. it's hard to do though. especially in a culture where everything is about doing instead of being.

i think that's one reason why i like traveling so much. usually when i'm traveling i remember to be with what is because i'm not going to be there for very long. i need to treat every day like i'm somewhere i won't be again, because there may always be tomorrow, but i'll never get another today.

i'm very much in my own head right now trying to sort it all out [just in case you couldn't tell].

despite everything going on inside my head i've still found little ways to enjoy the here and now.

today i discovered pinterest - a fabulous site which is basically an online inspiration board. go check it out if you haven't heard of it:

here's a peek at my account:

i spent some time reading and writing. and i picked out a fun little outfit if i do say so myself. i started planning a tea party for friday night. we're going to do something a little different for girls' night, and i for one, am quite excited about it. 

we'll dress up.
have coffee and tea.
eat finger sandwiches,
and tea cakes and biscotti.
we may watch an old movie
or play some games.
and we'll raise our pinkies the entire time.

i hope you had a happy wednesday, and whatever questions you're asking i hope they're lighter than mine.

good night m'dears!


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