celebrate good times

this weekend was a true celebration of a life well-lived. one that is still being lived, in glory. words don't do a person justice, so we celebrated. i can only hope that at the end of my life on this earth the celebration of my life is even half as amazing as that which i got to partake in on saturday. 

coming back from indy has me exhausted and refreshed, excited and full of questions. good questions. healthy questions. 

i also flew back with more confidence in God than i've had in a long time. i relished time with friends. time to love them and serve them (hopefully well) through my time with them. liz's family has been such a huge blessing to me over the years. i've always enjoyed spending time with them and this weekend was no exception.

i can't even begin to explain all of the things i've learned from the strands over the past 6 years. they are such an amazing family. i've seen God work in each of their lives in a very real way, and liz has been - and continues to be - one of the best friends i've ever known. 

i've toyed with the idea of moving to indy more in the past 5 days than i have for 2.5 years. oh to be close to good friends. to share our lives with people we know well. people we love and trust. it would be more than a little wonderful...

i love these guys!

hope you had a light load
this labor day!


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